432 research outputs found

    A quantized current source with mesoscopic feedback

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    We study a mesoscopic circuit of two quantized current sources, realized by non-adiabatic single- electron pumps connected in series with a small micron-sized island in between. We find that quantum transport through the second pump can be locked onto the quantized current of the first one by a feedback due to charging of the mesoscopic island. This is confirmed by a measurement of the charge variation on the island using a nearby charge detector. Finally, the charge feedback signal clearly evidences loading into excited states of the dynamic quantum dot during single-electron pump operation

    Controlling the error mechanism in a tunable-barrier non-adiabatic charge pump by dynamic gate compensation

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    Single-electron pumps based on tunable-barrier quantum dots are the most promising candidates for a direct realization of the unit ampere in the recently revised SI: they are simple to operate and show high precision at high operation frequencies. The current understanding of the residual transfer errors at low temperature is based on the evaluation of backtunneling effects in the decay cascade model. This model predicts a strong dependence on the ratio of the time dependent changes in the quantum dot energy and the tunneling barrier transparency. Here we employ a two-gate operation scheme to verify this prediction and to demonstrate control of the backtunneling error. We derive and experimentally verify a quantitative prediction for the error suppression, thereby confirming the basic assumptions of the backtunneling (decay cascade) model. Furthermore, we demonstrate a controlled transition from the backtunneling dominated regime into the thermal (sudden decoupling) error regime. The suppression of transfer errors by several orders of magnitude at zero magnetic field was additionally verified by a sub-ppm precision measurement

    Modal Frustration and Periodicity Breaking in Artificial Spin Ice

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    Here, an artificial spin ice lattice is introduced that exhibits unique Ising and non-Ising behavior under specific field switching protocols because of the inclusion of coupled nanomagnets into the unit cell. In the Ising regime, a magnetic switching mechanism that generates a uni- or bimodal distribution of states dependent on the alignment of the field is demonstrated with respect to the lattice unit cell. In addition, a method for generating a plethora of randomly distributed energy states across the lattice, consisting of Ising and Landau states, is investigated through magnetic force microscopy and micromagnetic modeling. It is demonstrated that the dispersed energy distribution across the lattice is a result of the intrinsic design and can be finely tuned through control of the incident angle of a critical field. The present manuscript explores a complex frustrated environment beyond the 16-vertex Ising model for the development of novel logic-based technologies
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